These photos chronicle one day in the life of first-time parents, Rod Mitchell & Jyotsna Kashyap, raising their three-and-a-half-month-old son, Bodhi.
New mom Jyotsna Kashyap spends extra time in bed with her baby, Bodhi, each morning before starting the day.
Jyotsna washes her hands after Bodhi’s first diaper change of the day.
Jyotsna does a video call with her mom and dad every morning. Her parents live in India and this allows them to see and interact with their grandson from the other side of the world.
Rod and Jyotsna give Bodhi a dose of vitamin d and probiotic formula each morning.
Jyotsna wipes off a bit of drool before dressing Bodhi in his morning onesie.
Rod and Jyotsna show a picture book to young Bodhi each morning to aid in his early-stage development.
Jyotsna enjoys some breakfast while Rod cradles Bodhi.
After finishing her breakfast, Jyotsna plays with little Bodhi.
Bath time for Bodhi. Rod and Jyotsna must make sure that the water temperature is just right, between 37 and 38°C.
Rod brushes Bodhi’s hair after his bath.
As a rapidly growing baby, Bodhi needs to be breastfed every two hours or so.
Bodhi lays on a chair as Jyotsna makes the bed.
Jyotsna prepares lunch with Bodhi in tow.
Jyotsna purchased a foot massager shortly after Bodhi was born. Women often experience swelling of the feet for a couple of weeks after pregnancy, but Jyotsna also has the misfortune of chronic aching feet, even before she became pregnant.
Rod responds to a few emails while Bodhi relaxes on his lap.
Rod and Jyotsna take Bodhi for a walk around the neighbourhood.
Rod changes Bodhi’s diaper, one of approximately five-to-six diaper changes per day.
Jyotsna does the “airplane” with Bodhi, which is an activity that helps with his early childhood development.
Jyotsna gives Bodhi his daily dose of Ovol, which helps reduce bloating and allows him to comfortably pass gas.
Rod sits with Bodhi in bed as the couple prepare to put him to sleep for the night.
Bodhi rests on Rod’s legs as Jyotsna gets ready for bed in the bathroom.
Rod sings a lullaby to Bodhi at bedtime.